Can't wait to see you! Contact Sandra for a spray tan appointment 902-218-0847
Said recently after a Smart Spray Tan by a 50-something year old woman-- "Oh, my good God, I'm gorgeous!" |
Spray Tanning is the BEST way to get that beautiful glow!
The First Mobile Spray Tanner on PEI-- Since 2011

Smart Spray Tan will come to you to deliver a custom tan for your skin type and colour. OR-- come to Sandra's home in North Granville for the same service at a reduced price. Contact Sandra for information and appointments.
I use premium organic solutions, the best on the market.
Spray tans last 7 days, (or even longer!) if you follow the pre and post instruction below.
Prep for spray tan (must be done as written below for good results):
Please shower using shower gel instead of bar soap if possible (as long as it rinses off without residue), exfoliate your skin and shave (or wax) the day before your spray tan, making sure you rinse off all shaving or waxing residue. Exfoliating all over the day before is very important, as it removes the top layers of dead skin so that the lower layers will get the spray tan and it will help your spray tan be more even and last longer. (exfoliating a few days in a row prior to your tan is even better). If you want some tips on how to exfoliate your skin click here.
A fresh shower the day of your spray tan is recommended, you can use a shower gel to get off body oils, sweat etc. Do not use bar soap, deodorant, perfume, wax, makeup or moisturizer the day of a spray tan. Be careful of hair products that may get on your skin before your spray tan such as hairspray and conditioner. Moisturizers, oils (including body oils), waxes, conditioner, creams and makeup will not allow the spray tan to soak into your skin evenly and you may end up with disappointing results. Deodorant and perfume may turn green when in contact with spray tan, but the green washes off with your first shower after the spray tan. I provide wipes to remove makeup and deodorant if you wear them to your spray tan.
If you have any allergies, please let me know, and check the tanning solutions page for ingredients list. It is rare but possible to have an allergic reaction to this or any other cosmetic product. Flaking or rashy skin should not be spray tanned.
If you have a recent bad sunburn that is peeling or will soon peel, I will not do your spray tan .
During your spray tan:
You may choose to be unclothed for your spray tan, in which case there will be no tan lines at all. Or, you may choose to wear a dark-colored swimsuit, dark-coloured underwear, or whatever you wish, the bronzer washes out. I also carry disposable panties, bras, pasties, and briefs if you prefer to use these instead. Men please wear some type of briefs, or I also have disposable ones.
You will need to keep your face and body relaxed and follow instructions as to which way to move during the spray tan (no sudden movements, don't scrunch up your face). I will warn you when I am near your face to close your mouth and eyes. It can be quite easy to make a mistake while spray tanning, and difficult to fix. However I have done over 1500 spray tans, so you are in good hands.
Plan to wear loose fitting clothing and no bra for at least the first 2 hours after your spray tan if possible. I use a pop-up booth to do the spray tan to ensure privacy and the booth protects the room from overspray. I also use haircovers, though putting your hair up in a ponytail works fine too, as the solution washes easily out of hair. It will take about 5 minutes to explain, 5 minutes to set up, and 20 minutes to actually do the spray tan. It dries quickly.
After your spray tan:
All of my solutions have a temporary bronzer added to them so a colour guide shows on your skin immediately; this is water soluble and will wash off skin and clothing with soap and water. The active "tanning" ingredient in the solution, called DHA reacts with your skin over the next few hours to produce a realistic-looking tan; the greater concentration of DHA in the solution, the darker the tan will become.
Avoid rubbing or touching your skin with your hands a lot until after your first shower. Avoid dangling jewelry until after your first shower. Avoid tight clothing or tight straps (as in a heavy purse on your shoulder) until after your first shower. Do not shower, sweat or get wet in any way until after your first shower. You can shower after 8-12 hours or you can wait until the next morning if you wish. Do not plan on going to any big events until after your first shower, as your spray tan will not look as natural until after you have had your first shower. (I also offer a "quick tan" option for someone who needs a tan to set in as little as 1-3 hours). Do not sit on light coloured furniture (especially leather) with bare skin unless you have already showered off the bronzer.
If you choose to go to bed before you have had your first shower, the bronzer may rub off on your hands or your partner's body, possibly causing the skin of these areas to have tan "stain" on them as well. Wear pajamas or something similar that first night to prevent this. When you shower off the bronzer, if you also plan to shampoo your hair, it's best to rinse the bronzer off first; do not pee in the shower as it will cause streaking down your legs. When you shower, you will see the brownish bronzer going down the drain, the "real" tan will remain. IT does not rub off easily.
When showering in the days ahead, use your hands or a soft cloth, not a scrubbie as this may slough off your skin and the spray tan too. Also avoid rubbing roughly with a towel after your shower. Moisturize every day all over to help keep your spray tan lasting longer, but anti-aging anti-wrinkle moisturizers or ones with alcohol or alpha hydroxy acid may wear your tan off quicker. Swimming in a chlorine pool, soaking for long periods in hot water or heavily scrubbing your skin,sweating a lot may decrease the life of your spray tan. Do not use straight oil on a spray tan, unless you are trying to remove it.
Your spray tan does not have an SPF or sun protection factor, meaning it will not protect you against the sun. Sunblock does not harm your spray tan...always wear sunblock out in the sun! I carry self-tanner products to help your whole spray tan last even longer. I carry various exfoliator mitts and cloths in order for you to prep for a spray tan and also to remove leftover tan after it has mostly faded away.
All of these guidelines will help you maintain a longer-lasting lovely spray tan, 7 to 10 days or more. After that, exfoliate and call to make an appointment for another Smart Spray Tan!
Directions to Sandra's home 1396 Rattenbury Road North Granville. Follow Route 2 (East of Kensington, or West of Hunter River). Turn on to Rattenbury Road in Springfield. Drive about 7k, through North Granville.