I once said to my husband during all this intense study ,"If you think this is crazy or stupid you need to tell me because I am going ahead with this if you don't." He was very supportive and still is. I registered my business name in September after much thought. Some other names? iTan (taken), uTan (taken), TanGo (taken) and finally Smart Spray Tan. I had learned to come up with a name that says exactly what your product is so it is not mistaken as something else and people can google you easier. I also like Smart because of Smart Car, Smart Phone, etc. and I wanted my customers to feel "Smart" about the choice they had made. I felt pretty smart coming up with that actually! Once I had confirmation that no one in Canada had a similar business name, I registered my name with CRA. Next I started my website and purchased the URL www.smartspraytan.com . And then I was officially a business. It would be quite some time before I was ready to make money.
The fun was soon to begin!